A beginner's guide to Pilates
Pilates is one of the most popular workouts globally. Would you give it a go?
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If you're at the start of your fitness journey or looking for a way to move your body without putting too much strain on your joints, low impact exercise is a great place to begin.
In this guide, we'll break down what low impact exercise actually is, its benefits, and how you can get started.
Low impact exercise minimises stress on the joints while still offering great cardio and strength benefits, says Sam Bhide, a physiotherapist and spokesperson for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Unlike high impact exercise (think running, squat jumps, lunge jumps), low impact workouts are gentler on the body, making them ideal for people with joint or muscle issues.
Examples could include bodyweight exercises without jumping, Pilates, walking, swimming, and cycling.
But low impact workouts can include weights, too. "They can be modified to be more intense by incorporating weights, resistance bands, or interval training," says Sam. "This allows people to build strength and endurance while keeping movements safe for the joints."
Another way of describing low impact exercise, says Dan Gordon, Professor in Cardiorespiratory Exercise Physiology, is anything where the body is moving, but you can still hold a conversation. "There is less stress put on the muscular system," he says, adding, "low impact should be part of everyone's exercise routine."
If you're just starting out, high intensity exercise can be off-putting. It can feel impossible. But low impact is much easier to get going with.
"It can get you physically mobile and moving," says Dan. "For entry-level people, low impact is so powerful both emotionally and physically. If I'm getting people to start exercising, I always start with that."
But it's also beneficial for those who already exercise and do high intensity. "The trick to getting better at high intensity is your ability to recover," says Dan, "you can develop these recovery adaptations in low impact."
Low impact can help with high intensity exercise and your ability to maintain it, he says. "Sustaining HIIT over time can be quite difficult. You're more likely to sustain exercise doing low impact or a combination of both."
Some people believe low impact exercise isn't as "good" as high intensity exercise, but there are plenty of benefits to this way of moving. "These activities elevate the heart rate while reducing strain on the joints, making them a great choice for people with conditions like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol," says Sam.
Low impact exercise has been linked to reduced depression and a reduced risk of severe mental health conditions. It's also been credited with helping older women manage urinary incontinence.
Getting started with low impact exercise can be super simple.
Here are a few easy ways to begin:
You could also try our Low Impact series on The Body Coach app a mix of cardio and strength workouts, in under 30 minutes.
The key is to find something you enjoy and start at a level that feels right for you. As you build confidence, you can gradually increase the intensity to keep progressing.
Ready to get started? Download The Body Coach app today to access the Low Impact series, plus get a structured workout programme, tailored recipes, and in-app tools to keep you on track.
This article was written by The Body Coach content team.